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15 Tips + Ideas for Choosing Personalized Baby Gifts

Whether you’re shopping for a new mom or a parent who is on their fourth child, choosing a personalized baby gift can be extra special. By personalizing something for the little one, you’re making a gift that is one of a kind and expressing how much that little one means to you. Their parents will greatly appreciate the extra thought and care you put into picking out the perfect baby gift.

But what if you don’t know the baby’s gender? Or the parents are keeping quiet on the baby name? Or you’re unable to attend the baby shower? If you’re lacking key information, but still want to create a personalized baby gift, follow below some tips and gift ideas.

Tips for Personalizing a Baby Gift

Between strollers, car seats, swaddles and more—it seems like a baby comes with a lot of stuff. Personalizing a baby gift will make the bond between you and the child a little extra special. Almost anything can be personalized, but here are some quick tips before getting started:

Personalize something they can use

mom holding up blanket

Blankets, burp cloths and onesies are items you can never have enough of. If you don’t want to add more to their registry, opt for personalizing one of the essential items a baby needs. Check out their registry to see how much they’ve registered for already and anticipate to receive as a baby shower gift.

Don’t reveal the baby’s name by mistake!

Personalizing an item with the baby’s name or initials is a great option. But if the parents have only shared the baby’s name with close friends and family members it may be best to present your personalized gift when it is just the two of you, as opposed to in front of a larger group at a baby shower. If you’re unsure who knows, just ask the parents!

A baby gift doesn’t need to be monetary

Before you give in a purchase a gift card, think of some other personal ways you can help out when the baby arrives. Cook a meal for the new (and sleep deprived parents), offer to take the family dog for a walk or just drop off a thoughtful card telling them you’re thinking of them.

Baby Gifts If You Know the Baby’s Name

If the parents have already publicly shared the baby’s name, using it in a personalized baby gift is a classic option. Below are some ideas to incorporate a baby’s name in your personalized gift.


You can’t go wrong with a monogram, especially if the parent’s style leans towards classic or preppy fashion. Depending on the style of the monogram, you may also have to know the baby’s middle name too. If all letters in the block are the same size, the order runs just like their name: first, middle then last initial. But if the monogram has a larger center initial, then the order runs; first, last then middle initial.

Monograms fit on a variety of baby gifts, including towels, onesies, burp cloths, baby blankets and hats. They also come in a variety of fonts, so you can pick a style that best matches their parent’s personalities.

First Name Engraving

If you’re unsure of the middle name (or only know the first name), go for a simple name engraving. Similar to a monogram, you can personalize many different baby gifts with their name. You can go for gifts that they’ll use regularly, like onesies, bibs and blankets, or opt for a classic memento like a sippy cup or teething ring. Your gift doesn’t always have to be something they’ll use daily. A special keepsake like a silver charm bracelet can be something they pass down in the family.

9 More Personalized Baby Gift Ideas

baby gifts on a table

Almost any baby gift can be personalized, but if you don’t have much information on the little one (like name or gender), below are some easy options that still make for a special gift.

Personalized Baby Toy

Any toy can be personalized! Cars and trucks, stuffed animals and more. Include the baby’s initial or just their last name. Try personalizing a stuffed teddy bear that the baby can play with as they get older.

Baby Storybook

If you have a gift for writing, write a custom story for the parent’s to read to them during bedtime. Have it feature the baby and include a fun adventure or teach an important life lesson. If you have a bit of writer’s block, get started with a personalized story book that you can simply add the baby’s name to. A board book makes it even easier for the baby to handle when they’re little.

Blankets and Burp Cloths

New parents can never have enough blankets and burp cloths. Make this simple item even more special by personalizing a fleece blanket for the new baby. Opt for a larger size so the baby can grow up with it and use it for fun indoor pillow forts or outside for camping.


Make those dreaded teething months a little sweet by personalizing a teether. Many silver teethers come with an engraving option to add a name or initial. If you prefer to go silicone, you can find many options to add letters to the string of beads for them to chew on.


Baby clothes are a classic baby gift option. Instead of plain white onesies, gift one with an extra level of personalization. Even if you don’t know they baby’s name or initials, here are some ideas to make it personal to you and the parents:

  • Match the onesie to the baby shower theme (like a bear onesie for a forest theme)
  • Purchase a onesie with the logo of the parent’s favorite sports team
  • Highlight their alma mater if the parents met in college
  • Include a cute saying or inside joke between you and the parents

Baby Photo Book

personalized family album

Even if the baby hasn’t arrived yet, compile photos of the new parents, their family and their friends to create a “welcome home!” book. The baby will love looking through the photo book pages to see all their loved ones. It’ll also act as a reminder to the parents of the loving support system they have. This is perfect if you live far away from the baby but still want to send a loving reminder that you’ll be thinking of them.

Wall Art and Framed Photos

Personalize a piece of wall art in the theme of the baby’s nursery. If the theme is outer space, go for a print with metallic accents added to mimic stars. Do the parents love girly script fonts? Have the print be a big letter of the baby’s first or last name. Whatever design you choose, the parents will love admiring the print whenever they’re in the nursery.

Pillows and Bedding

Make the nursery feel extra cozy with personalized nursery pillows to match the theme. If you’re gifting this present after the baby is born, include a photo of the little one on their pillow. The baby will love looking at it as they learn to recognize faces and it will serve as a sweet reminder of how little they once were to their parents.


While the baby won’t have the dexterity to play with a puzzle in the first year, creating a toy they can use as they grow is a great option. Personalize their puzzle with the baby’s photo, name, photo of their family members or a sweet saying.

Closing Thoughts: Make It Meaningful

Shopping for a baby can be tough—you don’t want to add any clutter and you want to give something the parents will love to use. Personalizing a baby gift is a great way to share how much you care, as the extra attention will mean so much. If some of the tips and ideas above got your creative juices flowing, but you’re still on the fence, read below some more inspiration: